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AFR asks how a comedian morphs into a litigation lawyer?

Dispute Resolution & Litigation
Craig Evans portrait LORES

The article begins: meet Craig Evans from Melbourne, who left a successful career in radio and comedy to become a litigation lawyer with Arnold Bloch Leibler.

In a series exploring why and how an ever-increasing number of Australians are changing jobs, even professions, the AFR interrogates lawyer Craig Evan’s decision to turn his back on a successful career as an actor, comedian, and commercial radio announcer.

“I was kind of living the dream. I was doing breakfast radio on a really great station, and I was gigging at places like the Comedy Store in Sydney. I’d just had a sold-out run of shows at the Sydney Comedy Festival. But it just didn’t feel right. That sparked a process or an investigation to find what was missing,” he explains.

And why the law? “The stuff that I loved about radio and stand-up was connecting with people. Radio is one of those unique mediums where it’s most relevant when there’s a time of crisis. The idea of helping people attracted me to law.”

Admitting that it wasn’t easy to leave a well-paid job and sit down for your first ever university exam at the age of 33, Craig says support from family and friends is essential to people considering a career change.

“But life is too short to be unhappy at work. If you’ve got an itch, scratch it.”

To read the full article, click here.

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